Eric Ries's Lean Startup methodology has revolutionised the way businesses approach product development, offering a framework for rapid innovation and growth. Its principles can also be applied to modern data projects, enabling organisations to develop data-driven solutions that deliver value quickly and efficiently. Here's how you can leverage the Lean Startup methodology for your modern data project:

Build-Measure-Learn (BML) loop

The core concept of the Lean Startup methodology is the Build-Measure-Learn (BML) loop, which emphasises rapid experimentation and learning. In a data project, this translates to quickly building a prototype, measuring its performance, and iterating based on feedback.

  • Build - Develop a minimal viable product (MVP) for your data project. This could be a simple data pipeline, a basic analytics dashboard, or an early-stage machine learning model. The goal is to create a functional solution that addresses a specific problem or need, with minimal investment in time and resources.
  • Measure - Identify metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that will help you gauge the success of your MVP. These could include data quality, processing speed, or user engagement. Collect data on these metrics to determine how well your MVP is performing and whether it's meeting the needs of your users.
  • Learn - Analyse the results of your measurements and gather feedback from users to identify areas for improvement. Use this information to refine your data project, making necessary adjustments or additions based on what you've learned.

Validated Learning

Lean Startup methodology emphasises learning from real-world experiments instead of relying on assumptions or predictions. In a data project, this means validating your hypotheses by testing them against actual user behaviour or data.

One way to achieve this is by conducting A/B tests or multivariate tests. These tests allow you to compare the effectiveness of various data processing methods, visualization techniques, and machine learning models. By running these tests, you can determine which approach yields the best results for your project.

In addition to testing, it's essential to continuously validate your data project's assumptions and performance. This can be done by analyzing user feedback and usage data. Your data governance framework should support this process, ensuring that you have access to the necessary information to make informed decisions about your project's direction and effectiveness.

Pivot or Persevere

In the Lean Startup framework, a pivot refers to a strategic shift in direction that is informed by the learnings acquired through the Build-Measure-Learn (BML) loop. It is vital to identify when a pivot becomes necessary for your data project, whether it is due to evolving business requirements or because the current strategy fails to yield the desired outcomes.

To achieve this, you should regularly evaluate the performance of your data project and be prepared to pivot when necessary. Pivoting may entail altering the focus of your project, embracing new technologies, or redefining your target audience. Furthermore, it is essential to maintain a flexible mindset and embrace change, allowing your data project to grow and adapt as required.

Continuous Deployment

The Lean Startup methodology promotes the rapid release of updates and improvements for your product. In the context of a data project, this translates to consistently deploying new features, enhancements, and bug fixes to your data platform or analytics tool.

To facilitate this, adopt automated deployment processes and continuous integration tools that will help streamline the delivery of updates and improvements. Additionally, prioritize collaboration and communication among team members, making sure everyone remains aligned and works towards a common objective.


Eric Ries's Lean Startup methodology has revolutionised the way businesses approach product development, offering a framework for rapid innovation and growth. When applied to modern data projects, this methodology enables organisations to develop data-driven solutions that deliver value quickly and efficiently. By incorporating key concepts from the Lean Startup methodology, such as the Build-Measure-Learn (BML) loop, Validated Learning, Pivot or Persevere, and Continuous Deployment, you can effectively drive your data project to success.

By embracing the Lean Startup principles in your data project, you can foster innovation, minimise resource waste, and maintain alignment with the needs and objectives of your organisation, ultimately driving success and delivering value in a fast-paced, ever-changing landscape.

Are you ready to revolutionise your modern data project and drive rapid innovation and growth? Contact us to discuss ways we can help drive more speed and value of your data projects.